Hidden Creatures Travel Tag- Troll


Dimensions: Approximately 2.1 inches x 2.1 inches.

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The Hidden Creatures are ready to travel!

Recently there have been reports of 13 magical creatures hiding throughout the world. How are they moving from place to place? They move one geocache at a time of course!

From June 27th 2020 until July 25th 2020 geocachers can earn up to 13 mythical creature digital souvenirs by finding geocaches or attending events. Make your experience a bit more legendary with these super cool trackable tags!

The Hidden Creature travel tags are designed by our very own Roxxy and are trackable at Geocaching.com with a unique icon.

These trackable aluminum tags include a chain for hitchhiking. You can use them to help celebrate Hidden Creatures, or just enjoy these fun designs!

Dimensions: Approximately 2.1 inches x 2.1 inches.